
Door Installation

To properly install a door will take you 2-4 hours. The case presented in the article is a non-typical one, as the manufactured door is too long for the existing door opening and the opening itself is wider than the frame.

Where to use the sliding systems

Sliding systems aid in the creation of our house interior design in such a manner that it fulfills both our aesthetic and physical demands. Sliding systems are not only functional but also practical in terms of space saving.

Door Frames or Door Jambs

Modern steel frame door frames are great, they are stiff and resist bending. They already have the hinges on. The are compact to transport and can be easily assembled by semi skilled labour.

Door Basics

What type of doors are the best, how to impress your visitors with front door appearance.

Simplifying Home's Door Installation

When it comes time to install doors in your new home or remodel project, you can save a lot of time, labor and frustration by purchasing your doors as pre-hung units.

Door painting questions

door painting questions with answers.


Door Basics

What type of doors are the best, how to impress your visitors with front door appearance.

Door painting questions

door painting questions with answers.

Where to use the sliding systems

Sliding systems aid in the creation of our house interior design in such a manner that it fulfills both our aesthetic and physical demands. Sliding systems are not only functional but also practical in terms of space saving.

vertical articles

Where to use the sliding systems

Sliding systems aid in the creation of our house interior design in such a manner that it fulfills both our aesthetic and physical demands. Sliding systems are not only functional but also practical in terms of space saving.

Door Basics

What type of doors are the best, how to impress your visitors with front door appearance.

Door painting questions

door painting questions with answers.