Agricultural trailers and semi-trailers
Updated: 2020-12-04

The use of attached semitrailers with different constructions and purposes in the agriculture allows increasing the effectiveness of work on a farm and decreasing the transport costs.

The trailers and semitrailers with different capacities used on plant-growing farms are intended for the transportation of manufactured production. Stock-raising farms use more semitrailers with different purposes. These are manure spreaders, semitrailers-platforms for the transportation of bundles or semitrailers for the transportation of cattle. Compared with old semitrailers, modern ones have a lot of new constructional solutions which provide more functionality and increase the possibilities of use of a semitrailer or trailer.

The semitrailers stored on farms are often idle all year around, but they are subject to high loads during the use. Different than semitrailers of tractors, which are used for quite an intensive and short period and get to the secondary market 3-7 years later, agricultural trailers are used by the same farmer for quite a long period, get to the secondary market just 10-15 years later and their technical condition is not good. Thus, before purchasing a new semitrailer or trailer, you should think about the lifting capacity and type of the trailer and what you will transport mostly. You should also pay attention to the prices of products offered by the manufacturer of semitrailers in the secondary market - the rest value of technique is a very important factor when choosing a manufacturer.


Main composition of semitrailers


The chassis of a semitrailer or trailer is one of the most important parts that should withstand all loads of bad roads and weight of transported substances. As farms are increasing and expanding, it also means an increase in distances of transportation of agricultural production. Agricultural trailers are subject to growing loads, so modern chassis must cope with bad road covering, high loads, increasing distances of transportation and stricter requirements of customers for the use and convenience. In contrary to the chassis used in semitrailers and trailers of heavy vehicles, the requirements for the sealing of axes, effectiveness of brake systems and technical characteristics of agricultural semitrailers are higher due to several times higher loads falling both to axes, springs, constructions of the frame or sub-frame and traction devices.




For example, the manufacturer of Lithuanian trailers „Western Fabrications" uses ADR axes intended for the agriculture. The axes of this manufacturer have high capacity and a lot of other constructional solutions adapted to the work in the agriculture. These are bearings with a higher diameter, special axis sealing solutions, lighter constructions and running speed up to 105 km/h. The axes intended for semitrailers with higher capacity are easily adapted to self-acting, forcible or electrohydraulic driving systems. There are more and more one-sided springs or springs consisting of two or more one-sided springs. One-sided springs have displaced multi-sided springs for the last few years and exceed them in performance and technical characteristics. During the use, qualitative one-sided springs do not change or hardly change any amortisation characteristics, their working surfaces are separated from each other, so their wear is several times lower and there are no conditions for the rise of corrosion foci. Moreover, they are compact and easier to maintain than traditional multi-sided springs.


Traction device


When choosing a semitrailer, its traction device should be noted. Modern semitrailers are manufactured with attachment devices of variable heights and amortisation systems of different types. The possibility to change the height of attachment allows attaching the semitrailer to different technique used on a farm and balancing the centre of gravity of the semitrailer for even load of its axes - if the height of the traction device is adjusted correctly, the pull necessary for traction is reduced and it decreases the fuel costs, the tyres wear and the axes are loaded evenly.

The traction loop should comply with the diameter of the fixation finger of the traction device of the tractor and the traction-necessary output. Presently there is a big assortment of various traction loops in the market. JSC „WF" uses high-quality twisted traction loops „BPT" (Italy) for its products and offers the production of „Sharmuller" (Austria) for the daintiest customers. „Scharmuller" both offers usual traction loops and attachment loops of the „apple" type; they are both very reliable and increase the driving comfort.

Considering an increase in distances of cargo transportation and wide use of tractors with the driving speed of up to 80 km/h, it is necessary to improve the construction of the traction device by integrating different amortisation systems into it. They reduce the fluctuations falling to the chassis of the tractor and increase the working comfort for the operator.

There are a few amortisation systems in the market: spring-loaded, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanic ones with rubber products or springs with amortisation characteristics.

The spring-loaded amortisation system of the traction device is reliable and simple. It does not need any extra maintenance and is long-lasting. The amortisation characteristics of the traction device remain stable even if the height of the traction device is changed.

Hydraulic and pneumatic systems are easier to integrate into the construction of the traction device, so they become popular among the manufacturers of semitrailers quickly enough. However, they have some drawbacks - high price of constituents, unstable amortisation characteristics and necessary maintenance. Pneumatic systems also cause additional trouble when used in the cold season - they can freeze due to the water steam condensate.

The amortisation systems using amortisation elements made of rubber or special plastic are spread among the manufacturers of semitrailers whose products are not expensive. These systems do not have any good amortisation characteristics, besides, if high-quality rubber or plastic products are used, their price is much higher than that of the above-mentioned systems. Low-quality rubber and plastic products are not resistant to the environmental impact and often split and/or lose their characteristics in a few seasons affected by UV light and fluctuations of the environmental temperature, so they have to be replaced. Thus, when choosing a semitrailer with this kind of amortisation traction system, it is necessary to consider the manufacturer and assess the future repair costs.


Erection support


When choosing an erection support for the traction device, you should think about the lifting capacity of the support. When manufacturers design semitrailers, they consider the fact that the maximum load for a fully loaded semitrailer on the traction device should not exceed 3500 kg. The standard solutions of the erection support offered by most manufacturers do not often exceed the lifting capacity of 2000 kg and the problem is encountered when detaching or attaching a loaded semitrailer that the lifting capacity of the support is too low. There are even more problems with the use of such supports in the fields where the ground is unstable. Supports with a low support area just stick into the ground and it is impossible to lift the semitrailer to the necessary height of attachment due to its low lifting capacity.

JSC „WF" offers a few solutions to this problem. It is a well-tried hydraulic support developed by „WF" with the lifting capacity of even 10 t. This support is designed so that the vertical central axis of the traction loop does not change the position when changing the height - it simplifies the hanging procedure and the lifting capacity does not changed in the total range of the lifting height. Tractors with an automatic hydraulic attachment hook are offered a support with a high support area enabling to detach the semitrailer even on a very humid ground or lawn. This support is very popular among the users of semitrailers-platforms using telescopic loaders with a mounted hydraulic end attachment hook as a traction vehicle.




The bodywork of a semitrailer is one of the most important parts of the semitrailer. It must both ensure easy loading and smooth unloading under different conditions.

The construction of the bodywork consists of a few most important elements: sub-frame, on which the rest construction is mounted and which is subject to the highest load; side poles, to which boards are fixed; boards, which must withstand the pressure of transported mass.

Another important constructional detail is the upper reinforcement crown interconnecting the upper part of the bodywork. A few different constructional solutions of the crown must be emphasized - these are crowns shaped by bending board joints and crowns made of standard pipes or separate joints to which board are connected. The latter crowns are stronger, but the bodywork manufacturing technology becomes more complicated. This construction of the crown ensures a stable base for assembled board tops and reduces the load to the boards and sub-frame of the bodywork.

Bodyworks with a crown shaped from the side board are cheaper, but the construction of this bodywork becomes weak and unreliable. During the use, the lateral boards often lose their firmness and their geometry is damaged. The manufacturers of these bodyworks are made to look for other constructional solutions, but they are not always adapted due to their high price. These reinforcements often result in the use of thicker board and bottom sheets and it increases the total weight of the semitrailer.

The boards and the bottom of the semitrailer have a direct contact with transported substances - high requirements are set for them. The boards and the bottom cannot be deformed when loading and unloading the cargo, the steel sheet must be resistant to friction. The firmness of boards is largely increased by board bending edges. They provide higher firmness of the board sheet and its resistance to impacts.

It is recommended to choose boards and bottoms made of firmer steel for semitrailers used for the transportation of ground and stones. JSC „WF" offers their customers steel sheets of the Swedish manufacturer SSAB Hardox for the semitrailers of this type as they are several times firmer than standard steel.




The braking systems of trailers and semitrailers can be hydraulic, pneumatic or hydraulic-pneumatic.

When choosing a braking system, it is often necessary to adapt it to the available traction vehicle only. Hydraulic braking systems are making their way to the Lithuanian market of tractors step by step; they are wide-spread in foreign countries due to their simplicity and effectiveness.

Pneumatic braking systems have been used since the soviet times and they are probably the most popular braking systems, but they have a few drawbacks in spite of their prevalence: these are use costs, abundance of components and their price. Although pneumatic braking systems have drawbacks, they are more developed in the technological aspect and these technologies are implemented into trailers and semitrailers with agricultural purposes. Such systems as ABS, the electronic stability control system or automatic braking load control system are not an innovation, but a must in products of the biggest manufacturers of trailers and semitrailers. JSC „WF" assembles just the highest-quality braking systems in its products - WABCO, GES hydraulic. It can offer all innovations of the market ensuring the maximum safety and braking effectiveness under any conditions.

Whatever braking system is assembled, another important element is the type and size of brakes. The higher is the lifting capacity of the semitrailer, the bigger brakes should be assembled. Presently drum brake disks are the most popular ones; if they are too small, they can overheat and just split on braking or damage the frictional linings of brakes or compromise the glands and bearings of axes due to a high temperature. Thus, you should not save in this case.

Disk brakes are still more popular in heavy vehicles and just making their way in agricultural vehicles. One of the drawbacks of disk brakes are their high price, but the braking effectiveness is much higher than that of drum brakes, they need less space and are easier to maintain. Due to their open construction they heat less on braking, so the wear of brake shoes is lower. As disk brakes are so effective, they are used for the assembly of stability control systems.




As ground-saving agriculture has become wide-spread, it has set conditions for agricultural vehicles, too. One of them is as low pressure to the ground surface as possible. Presently, a choice of tyres and their manufacturers as well as difference in their prices is enormous. Thus, you should not limit with the price or lifting capacity of a tyre when choosing. Probably, expensive tyres are unnecessary for the trailers and semitrailers used just a few times per year, but the performance characteristics of tyres are very important if semitrailers and trailers are used intensively, in long distances or humid fields. JSC „WF" offers Nokian, Vredestein, BKT, Starco tyres to their customers as they have very good performance characteristics and are long-lasting. The offered variations of tyre sizes are tried both by the manufacturers and customers.




If trailers or semitrailers are used intensively, their technical maintenance and service should not be forgotten. Before starting to use, the traction loop, brakes, tyres, end couplers and bodywork tipping system should be checked carefully every day. Timely technical maintenance of the main units will help you to avoid breakdowns.

When performing the technical maintenance or correcting a breakdown, observe the manufacturer's instructions and mount original spare parts. Before purchasing a new vehicle, note whether the seller has a service team and is capable of ensuring timely supply of spare parts. Even a minor breakdown, for which correction it is necessary to wait for spare parts for a few or several days, costs very much, especially in the season.

The service team of JSC „WF" is always ready to help the customers encountering any problems and spare parts can be sent from the storage on the same day of ordering.


Types of trailers and semitrailers


Corn reloading semitrailer


Corn reloading semitrailers are first intended to ensure the output of a combine during the harvest time. When choosing a reloading semitrailer, it is important to evaluate its volume correctly as too small or too big volume will not answer your hopes. In the first case, combines will be unable to empty bunkers to the end and will have to be idle before unloading; in the second case, the volume of the semitrailer will not be used to a full extent.

Although it is usual to relate reloading semitrailers with the harvest time only, according to the experience of „WF", these semitrailers are also used for other works - transportation of wood or straw pellets, transportation of fertilizers and seeds and loading to seeders or filling of fertilizer spreaders.

Presently there are a lot of manufacturers of semitrailers trying to get into the market by offering their products, but just consistent work with customers and trials of these vehicles with different cultures and powdery substances can ensure effective work of these vehicles. One of these manufacturers is „WF" that has already offered the 3rd brand new series of corn reloading semitrailers to the market.

It is a well-known GR model; it has been in the market for already 10 years and every time is updated considering the customers' notes and results of field trials. These models include technological innovations enabling to unload even wet corn to the maximum output; 25 m³ of wheat is unloaded within almost 2 minutes in the field, i.e., the output of unloading of ~ 600 t/h is reached. These semitrailers have a screw transporter with the variable height and can change height from 5,4 m to 3,9 m, so it is very relevant when unloading corn to vehicles next to the field. A new construction of the bunker ensures that cleaning works will last for the minimum period when changing the culture - the operator needs to open just one cleaning hatch.

When choosing this type of semitrailers, it is not worth to skimp on tyres - they should be as wide as possible as it will ensure the minimum pressure to the ground surface and simplify works in humid ground. Chassis with a dirigible axis help to conserve the ground even more and the semitrailer becomes much more manoeuvrable.

The output of unloading is one of essential factors of productive work. It is obtained by increasing the diameter of the unloading screw or frequency of its rotation and changing its constructional parameters. It is naive to expect a screw with a bigger diameter or a quickly rotating screw will be more productive; it is affected by plenty of factors. JSC „WF" uses a screw with a 400 mm diameter and on the basis of constructional work and results of trials chose the construction and gear of the screw even exceeding the output parameters of other manufacturers using 600 mm unloading screws. A 400 mm screw ensures a lower need of power for the tractor and high output under any working conditions and when it is time to replace it, money is saved.


Semitrailers and trailers tipped over the end board


Semitrailers with welded side boards tipping cargos over the end board are intended for the transportation of powdery cargos and they are probably most popular and wide-spread on plant-growing farms presently. Semitrailers of this type are used everywhere where powdery cargos are transported.


Semitrailers for the transportation of agricultural production


As it is possible to transport a big amount of production, semitrailers of this type are the most popular ones among farmers. They have outrivaled the semitrailers used on small mixed farms or as auxiliary means for the transportation of fine cargos.

There is a crowd of manufacturers of this type of semitrailers in relation with the demand. During the crisis raging in Europe, the manufacturers having specialized in the manufacturing of heavy vehicles only came to this market. Thus, if a farmer chooses a semitrailer presently, he has a huge problem how to choose it from the store in the market.

The essential characteristics, which should be considered, were discussed above. Some nuances characteristic to this type of semitrailers, which should be discussed, are their hydraulic tipping system, thickness of boards and bottom, type of the end board and construction of the bodywork.


Hydraulic tipping system


It is one of the most important systems ensuring smooth work. The time of tipping of cargo from the bodywork and lifting capacity depend on the parameters of the correctly chosen hydraulic system. Most manufacturers trying to simplify the construction use traditional solutions - assemble just one tipping cylinder and change the working capacity and piston area just by adapting to the necessary lifting capacity. „WF" offers a non-standard time-proven solution in its products - assembles two tipping cylinders in all their semitrailers in order to ensure quick tipping and high lifting capacity; moreover, it allows saving the amount of oil.

Another important factor is the place of cylinder assembling. If the lower place of cylinder assembling is moved up to the top of the frame, it is likely this semitrailer will become unstable on tipping. For such cases certain manufacturers assemble extra stabilization systems fixing the axes or bodywork in order to get as low transverse fluctuations of the bodywork when it is lifted to the maximum. An untraditional number of cylinders chosen by „WF" and place of their assembling ensure the bodywork will remain stable under any conditions, extra stabilization systems will be unnecessary and extra system maintenance costs will be avoided in the future. „WF" can offer an autonomic tipping system driven by the tractor GTV to dainty customers or farms where semitrailers are used intensively and technique is often changed - it both saves time for changing the traction vehicle and reduces the load of the hydraulic system of the tractor; there is no risk to mix or even contaminate the oils if the hydraulic oil of the tractor is contaminated.


Thickness of boards and bottom


Many of us looking for a semitrailer follow the saying „the more, the better". Thicker boards and bottom are often associated with a firmer construction of the bodywork, but it is not always true. It is important to evaluate the total construction of the bodywork and its constructional elements correctly. If the bodywork does not contain any side poles and the upper reinforcement crown and just a thick steel sheet was used for its manufacturing, you should consider the purchase of this kind of semitrailer seriously. This semitrailer will be heavier and the bodywork will start splitting or lose its geometry in the course of time in case of absence of reinforcing elements. JSC „WF" uses the bending technology shaping the longitudinal bending lines for the manufacturing of boards. They provide high firmness and resistance to deformations. The upper crown and extra side poles make this construction even more reliable.  It allows obtaining high firmness of the bodywork and saving some weight as well as reducing the fuel costs related with the transportation of a higher amount of production.


Accessories for productive and convenient work


When a semitrailer is bought, a lot of various accessories are offered. One of the main accessories worth discussing is the end board. Semitrailers with hydraulic or mechanical board opening are offered in the market. A board with mechanical opening is cheap and it is included in the descriptions of standard equipment of semitrailers. The functioning of a hydraulic end board can be one-sided or two-sided. A board with two-sided functioning is more convenient, you do not need to wait for its closure due to the own weight and it is mostly possible to assemble board sealing rubbers if necessary. In the end board a corn tray is installed and it is convenient to use for outpouring a small amount of mass or diverting it to conveyors or transporters. In order to expand the possibilities of use, you can assemble screw corn transporters with different outputs on the end board. Such transporters are driven with hydraulic oil and are convenient to fill the seeder or fertilizer or reloading cargo to another vehicle; besides, they are easy to disassemble and assemble. The output of these transporters can be different - from 15 t/h to 250 t/h.

There are two types of covering tilts - rolled and removable ones. The latter ones are better for small semitrailers as it is easy to put them manually. Rolled tilts are offered for bigger semitrailers - they can be rolled manually or with the help of an electric gear. There are a few requirements for tilts - tightness, durability and convenience. JSC „WF" offers rolled tilts developed by the engineers of „WF" and adapted for work under the most difficult conditions. Tilts are put on semitrailers so that the end board of the semitrailer can be opened without unrolling the tilt and the carrying and closing construction of the tilt is developed so that the tractor-driver does not need to go anywhere to open it - it is enough to insert the rolling lever and close or open the tilt just by standing next to the semitrailer. The tilt fixing system is simple and reliable - even under very bad weather conditions you will be sure that water will not penetrate into the semitrailer or the wind will not tear the tilt out. This new tilt system was presented at the exhibition „Ką pasėsi 2014" and attained a big interest and positive evaluation of farmers.


Green mass transportation semitrailers


There are a few types of semitrailers for the transportation of green mass in the market. The main requirement for these semitrailers is as big useful filling volume as possible. There are a few types of these semitrailers: combined - self-loading semitrailers with the mass collection mechanism from swaths and mass milling mechanism; semitrailers with a scraping transporter for silos unloading; semitrailers with a mass displacement system and traditional semitrailers or trailers with higher boards for silos transportation. Self-loading trailers and semitrailers with scraping transporters are better for specialized farms or service provision companies. One of the drawbacks of these semitrailers is that they are not universal and are just designed for silos transportation, so if the farm buys a semitrailer of this type, it is difficult to adapt it for the transportation of other products.

Semitrailers with a mass displacement system are more universal and adapted on a farm, but they unload mass slower than usual self-loading semitrailers and their price is high enough due to their complicated construction. These semitrailers are not spread on farms although they have much additional equipment assembled for different works. Semitrailers of this type are a good choice for service companies using semitrailers with specific equipment for a long time and not needing to change additional equipment very often - it saves working time for the assembly of equipment and investments pay dividends faster. An economic effect should not be expected in case of buying this type of semitrailer for the farm that will use it for 2 months per year.

Traditional semitrailers with extra platforms for silos are probably the most popular choice of farmers. These semitrailers are often made by mounting extra platforms for green mass on the basic corn transportation semitrailer. Semitrailers of this type are also offered by „WF"; they have 900 or 1200 mm platforms. One of the main advantages of these semitrailers is a cone construction of the bodywork and a 150 mm difference between the front and end of the semitrailer - this number is the highest one in the market. Thanks to this construction, mass is unloaded very easily, it is not necessary to lift the bodywork very highly and it is even possible to drive onto the silos pile without being afraid to tip up. Time is saved and an assembled quick bodywork lowering system also helps to save time next to the silos pile.


Semitrailers and trailers for heavy loads


Semitrailers for heavy loads are designed for the transportation of construction materials: stones, soil, chips, construction waste. Higher requirements are set for the construction of the bodywork of these semitrailers. Thicker board and bottom sheets are used and boards are reinforced additionally. The useful volume of these semitrailers is relatively low, but the lifting capacity is high.

The constructions of bodyworks often contain load fixing loops and there is a hydraulic spud instead of the end hydraulic board. „WF" manufactures specialized semitrailers for heavy loads. They are universal - the internal width of the bodywork is maximally big and adapted for the transportation of mini constructional technique and the load fixing loops integrated into the construction of the bodywork ensure the transported cargo will be fixed safely. When buying this type of semitrailer, the customer can choose special steel HARDOX that is several times firmer than standard steel, so thinner sheets can be used and the weight of the semitrailer can be reduced.

Semitrailers and trailers with opened boards


These semitrailers and trailers are popular thanks to their universal construction. Removable boards and the function of three-sided tipping make these semitrailers indispensable for various daily farm works.  Compared the ratio between semitrailers and trailers of this type, the ratio of purchased new vehicles is very similar. Although it is easier to use and manoeuvre a semitrailer, a lot of farms and companies working in the field of municipal economy choose trailers. It is convenient to transport fertilizers and other fine cargos in trailers by hanging them to telescopic loaders or tractors with lower capacity.

When choosing a semitrailer of this type, it is important to make sure of its universality. Boards should be opened in two directions - from the bottom and from the top. Boards should be assembled and disassembled quickly without using any extra tools. Higher requirements are also set for the bottom construction of the bodywork - on the contrary to semitrailers with firm bodywork, they do not have a reinforcing crown, so all loads fall to the sub-frame of the bodywork; its construction must be very reliable to avoid its deformation.

„WF" manufactures semitrailers and trailers with opened boards. These semitrailers and trailers have a firm construction and easily transformed bodywork - if necessary, boards can be disassembled and the semitrailer can be transformed into an absolutely smooth platform for cargo transportation. A standard mounted corn tray and the end hydraulic board spud simplify the operator's work.

The possibilities of these semitrailers are also expanded by an extension for the transportation of rolls or palettes. Thanks to their universality, semitrailers and trailers of this type are wide-spread on mixed farms.


Sewage vehicles


Most stock-raising farms use liquid manure removal technologies. Liquid manure is accumulated in manure tanks and then taken to the fields. The volume of the most popular tanks is 10-20 t.

As the environmental requirements get stricter and farmers evaluate the benefit of organic fertilizers, the sewage insertion equipment is more and more popular in Lithuania. Sewage spilling with hoses, which was popular earlier, loses its popularity due to low effectiveness in the preservation of the quality of organic fertilizers and low accuracy of spread; spilling from hoses contaminates the grass. JSC „WF" assembles the sewage insertion equipment made by the Dutch company „Slootsmidt", one of the first manufacturers of exact sewage insertion equipment in Europe, in its sewage vehicles. These vehicles are designed for work in lawns and it is very relevant for cattle farms. After fertilizing lawns with this equipment, cattle can be put to grass on the same day - sewage is spread exactly on the ground surface, 2-4 cm depth. Share insertion vehicles adapted for the insertion of sewage in the depth exceeding 10 cm are a wonderful choice for fertilizing maize fields before sowing.

JSC „WF" offers a sewage vehicle control system developed in accordance with the latest technologies and users' needs to big farms or agricultural service companies. This electronic control system both doses the stream of sewage supplied to the insertion equipment and retains a constant stream when changing the driving speed as well as controls all other sewage vehicle systems: filling of the sewage vehicle, choice of mode of the pump, valves and driven axes. In the future this control system will be supplemented with GPS and a possibility to work according to fertilizing maps of the farmer.


Manure spreaders


Big amounts of manure accumulate on farms of the bedding type. Manure spreaders are used to take it away and spread in the fields.

There are a few types of manure spreaders: spreaders with horizontal rotors spreading manure just in the width of rotors and spreaders with vertical rotors spreading manure to a wider extent. There are a few different modifications of spreaders with vertical rotors - made of a few smaller rotors or two rotors with a big diameter. The latter ones spread manure more widely and evenly. Manure spreaders with small vertical rotors are not reliable and designed for spreading small amounts of manure. Due to a low diameter of the rotor, they are covered with non-milled straw or other mass and manure is milled badly due to a low rotational speed of a small corner knife. Thus, the quality of manure should be evaluated when working or choosing this kind of vehicle.

A lot of products of different manufacturers are offered in the market, so it is difficult to choose a proper vehicle. There were not so many requirements for manure spreaders earlier, it was important to spread manure. As the technique is more perfect and the requirements of customers are higher, there are a lot of changes in the construction of manure spreaders. Their lifting capacity is higher and they contain amortisation systems of the attachment device as well as electronic control and fertilizing control systems. Lately, universal manure spreaders with wide spreading of bedding cattle and bird manure, lime or peat have become popular - their width of spreading is 20 and more meters.

As „WF" keeps pace with technological innovations and works intensively, it is going to present a manure spreader with wide spreading provided with a field border system and electronic exact fertilizing system in the nearest time. Presently it offers a manure spreader of the classical construction with double vertical rotors and a heavy-duty chain bottom transporter. These spreaders have a simple and firm construction. Spreading rotors are made with convoluted knives of the manure spreader which tear provided mass more effectively and mill it qualitatively. A special construction of the bodywork ensures even mass movement and supply to rotors.


Platforms of semitrailers and trailers


Platforms are used for the transportation of rolls and rectangular bundles. If additional accessories are adapted, they are also suitable for the transportation of cargo palettes or boxes. The same requirements for the strength of the frame and chassis are set for these semitrailers or trailers. The frame must be firm and withstand any loads and the chassis must be firm and convenient to use.

The bottom of the cargo platform must be smooth, it is best if it is made of riffled sheet - it is very relevant for the transportation of straw or green mass bundles. Low boards are made across the perimeter of the bodywork in order to make cargos more stable - they should be as narrow as possible and not be lifted highly above the platform - it decreases the risk of damaging film-wrapped bundles. It is also easier to load and unload palettes and boxes for the transportation.

The front and end supports should have a variable angle and removable - the platform is easier adapted to round bundles with different diameters or square bundles with different dimensions. When choosing a platform for your semitrailer, you should also choose a proper erection support as it is very important for detaching and loading the semitrailer in the fields. The erection support must comply with the necessary lifting capacity and be wide.

„WF" offers platforms of semitrailers and trailers adapted for intensive and convenient work to their customers. An amortising traction device, a special strapping system, collapsible and removable supports ensure quick and convenient work.

„WF" also pays much attention to safe environment. As straw bundles transported on platforms are blown, a special front support is offered to reduce it; there is a cargo covering net with a wrapping system on it and it is very easy to put and remove. It reduces environmental pollution and increases safety.

„WF" platforms are designed not just for the transportation of straw. If special side supports are assembled, seeds, fertilizers or granules packed in big sacks can also be transported - the side supports do not allow sacks to fall down and get deformed.



Cattle transportation semitrailers


As the requirements for the wellbeing of cattle get stricter and pastures are more distant from farms, there is a need for qualitative cattle transportation semitrailers. Strict requirements are set for these semitrailers. Cattle must be loaded easily and transported conveniently, the bodywork must be covered with a tilt or canopy to protect the cattle from the environmental impact during the transportation. The inside of the bodywork must be designed so that the cattle do not injury their limbs or bodies to sharp edges of the bodywork. It must be possible to transport them loose or bound if necessary.

In order to whip in the cattle easily, hydraulic lifted-lowered chassis of semitrailers or whipping ramps are mounted. The latter ones are inconvenient to use as they are often heavy and much time is wasted on assembling. Hydraulic lifted platforms are much more expensive, but they are more convenient, work is done more quickly and transported cattle suffer from less stress. When choosing this semitrailer, the convenience of cleaning must also be considered - openings must be made around the perimeter of the bottom of the semitrailer to drain dirt when washing.

The floor of these semitrailers cannot be slippery. Semitrailers of certain manufacturers have metal floor without additional non-slippery covering. It causes a lot of problems as the cattle slip and can injure their legs; if one of them tips up, it can injure or even trample another victim. Thus, it should be evaluated when choosing a semitrailer - a lower price of the product does not often cover the losses related with an injury or fall of cattle during the transportation.

The semitrailer should be both convenient for cattle and workers - door or partition locks must be convenient and easy to fix; boxes are necessary for putting things and ropes so that it is convenient to store and take them if necessary. The construction of the bodywork should enable workers to see what happens inside the bodywork and notice an unbound, injured or tipped animal in time and help it. If it is impossible, it is recommended mounting video cameras inside the bodywork.

„WF" manufactures cattle transportation semitrailers of very high quality and they are designed so that the safety of cattle and workers is ensured. Special one-piece and easy-to-clean rubber floor covering ensures the cattle will not slip and the transportation will be safe. Composite wood plates used in the construction of the bodywork reduce the noise level - the cattle suffer from less stress and adapt to the new environment easily. Additional internal partitions are assembled in order to separate the herd or make a temporary working place for a vet.


Western fabrications, UAB
Kapėnų k., Viekšnių sen.,
Mažeikių r. LT - 89477, Lithuania

Tel.: (+370 443) 28548, 28530, 28550
Fax.: (+370 443) 28546

Sales manager
Mindaugas Virkutis
Mob. tel.: +370 688 10009

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