Winter Garden
Updated: 2022-01-24


Winter garden is a lovely yet complicated construction in which everything is inter related. Whilst designing the winter garden, many parameters should be considered. In order to have your winter garden as normally functioning, you should pay a lot of attention to the layout of the winter garden, its shape, roof inclination, ventilation system and the possible shadow factors which are vitally essential to have a regular use of this object. That's why the owner should get familiar with the winter garden utilization at the right time with all the details including the conditions required.

winter garden

Constructional light transmitting roof systems play an important role in winter gardens and its three-dimensional combinations with glass walls. The winter garden should be lovely, transparent, lightweigh and at the same time stiff and resistant to various factors, including mechanic and atmosphere factors. Construction security, inside space security for overcooling and overheating, carcass rigidness and steadiness, optimum light transmission and large resistance to extreme atmosphere phenomenom are important to any winter garden - neither the typhonic wind or snowstorm, nor the showers or huge heat should effect the inner harmony of your oasis.


The heating system which should hold a temperature of a certain diaposon is always supported by the solar energy that enters the space due to the glass covering, however in cold season such energy is not enough - in such case the area could be heated in various methods. For example, by joining to central house heating; autonomical heating with electricity, heated floor; by heating with a heated fresh air on a conditioner, etc. In practic, there are some successfull combinations of such systems. If you consider and place the heating devices carefully, with a use of autonomic control devices it will possible to ensure an even heating of the whole area. You can also use a manual control if necesarry.

It should be remembered that no matter how sensitive the autonomic heating system is to winter temperature mode, it cannot ensure a required air circulation if ventilation isn't on. According to the law of physics, the heated air goes up when it faces the cold glass and the construction leaves its moisture and goes down as it cools, whereas when the condensed water drops run afterwards they become as steam once again. Of course, just a repetitive cycle without a ventilation can not only cause inconvenience but also damage the area.

What would be the best ventilation? Natural (cooling) or mechanic (a more perfect version which combines heating and ventilation system functioning with automatic artificial climate devices).

Natural ventilation is easy to fit as it refers to a traction principle when instead of a heated air entering through a special gap in the roof, a much colder air flow through the same gap enters from the outside, but present beside the floor. Such a simple mechanism from one point of view requires special conditions to ensure the activity - the height of the cooling should be no smaller than 2,5 mm, the difference of outside and inner temperatures should be no smaller than 5 degrees. The sum of ventilation vents and gap normally make from three to ten percent of the glazed area. They are fitted in a way that the movement of air flow goes across - this ensures a better air change, whereas various constructions - swinging, turning-up, sliding are used for the opening and closing. Much more perfect is a mechanic ventilation system. It does not require neither a special area nor the temperature paramaters. Device, which consists of an electricity engine and a ventilator, has the temperature and pressure sensors according which data a fresh air entering and the extraction of the previous is regulated. The same as in the case of a natural ventilation, the layout of system elements ensures the movement of air flow accross either vertically, or horizontally.

Quite often a winter garden has the function of a lounge or recreation corner. In such case, a place for a small table and a few chair or armchair should be considered. If you plan to rest here with all the family members or welcome guests, you can increase this area by reducing the amount of plants and flowers; if you want to use the garden mainly for plant vegitation - on the contrary, reduce the recreation zone. In either case, the path should be left as it is to avoid the impression of tightness or narrowness.

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