How to maintain furniture
Updated: 2022-01-12


We probably don't face the necessity of furniture maintenance on a daily basis, but once we have a difficulty we are not really sure of what actions to take - whether to maintain the broken furniture ourselves or contact professionals in the first place. As we all know good furniture is a real value.

Furniture maintenance is normally of two types - total one and surface one. The surface maintenance can be made on your own effort, whereas total maintenance is a more serious one which requires tools of professionals that can be found only in specialized workshops.

The most common types of total furniture maintenance are restoration and coating replacement. Both of them require quite a lot of time and even more money. The great thing, though, is that the choice availability is unlimited nowadays.

How to maintain furniture

One of the main materials used for most furniture is plywood. It is one out of a few universal materials which can be used anytime and as needed. Therefore, for more than 20 years, plywood had no competitors in wood material market. However, it does not lack disadvantages. For this reason, most often the necessity to maintain one piece of furniture or the other as a matter of fact is a necessity to maintain the details made of plywood. The most common "disease" of plywood is the so called occurrence of blowholes, i.e. the simple deformation. This is due to the glue, that the plywood is covered with - due to the effects of heat as they get softer and start decomposing.

More rare plywood defects are related to its defects that appear during the manufacturing process as well as cracks and burns. The best "medicine" in such case is a simple patch. In order to fix the small defects, sometimes it is enough to have glue - you just need to be aware of which type of glue is to be used at least without consultation of a professional.

An alternative to glue is building lather. However, if you go for the building lather, you will need to paint the place that you fix with a building lather.


Most reputable furniture workshops these days are in possession of the most modern equipment and can perform complete furniture diagnostics. This allows estimating all of the furniture defects which get obvious during its use. Whereas, the owner can make an easier decision on whether it is worth to spend money on the furniture maintenance, or it is more of a benefit to purchase a new one.

Diagnostics is almost the only reliable method of estimating whether the furniture needs total maintenance or not. The only issue here is that such systems are still new to the market - and relatively expensive which also makes the cost of the service quite high. Therefore, it will take a little bit more time before furniture diagnostics will become affordable for an average consumer.

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