Types of houses
Updated: 2022-01-17

 types of houses

Bricked houses


1. Bricked houses are steady and durable. According to building normatives, the durability of a bricked house is around 100 years, however there are even some Ancient Greek, Rome, South American bricked architecture monuments which are present till nowadays.
2. Properly built bricked houses have great sound and heat isolation.
3. Ecologic substances can be used for this building method, for example, a composition substance of cement and loam. Chemical additives or other artificial aggregates are not used for the component manufacturing, they don‘t emit hazardous substances.
4. Bricked houses can be reconstructed by adjusting metal girders, shafts, etc.
5. This building method can be used to implement unstandard projects and its constructional parts.
6. A wide choice of materials is available for bricked house decoration: facade bricks, decorative plasters, wooden neat plankings, suspendable facade decoration, etc.
7. Bricked houses do not get decay, corrossion, and raise no concerns of rodents. Whilst building all objects it is important to stick to building normatives without leaving unecessarry, leaky gaps and slots.
8. Bricked houses have great fire safety data.
9. It is considered that bricked houses get settled in three years, though if the house is properly built the process is minimum and better than the one of timbered houses. In this way unwanted problems connected with house gap appearance are being avoided. Only slight wall cracks which can be easily removed are possible.


1. Whilst building unstandard laps or other supporting constructions extra reinforced concrete knots and bearings are needed and this has effect on the price of a built house.
2. Depending on the project of the house, this building method can be more expensive in comparison with some other methods, however the durability of such houses is longer; they are more stable and reliable.
3. Bricked house is responsive to outside moisture. A special attention should be drawn to a proper home heating by meeting the bricklaying technologies, otherwise the moisture will work into bricks, blocks and reduce its heat resistance.

Timbered houses


1. Timbered houses are long-term. For example, sometimes timbered houses can even reach 600-700 years.
2. During the coldest season, inside these houses it's warm as wood characteristics have a feature of holding heat and gradually divide it in the area.
3. Due to electrostatic wood features, dust does not "fly" or get collected in the area of the house and this is very important to avoid allergy.
4. Timbered houses do not require deep and masive substructures as houses from dry logs are lighter than stone or bricked ones.
5. Wood absorbs sound and does not allow its spread in the environment.
6. Timbered houses look great even without any additional decoration from both outside and inside.
7. The inside of timbered houses hold natural moisture and the air does not dry up. Timbered walls are able to soak the moisture surplus from the inside, and if necessary to give it away when the area dries out. These homes do not require conditioning systems.
8. People living in houses of this type, have less illnesses or infectious disesases and allergic attacks. It is estimated that wood gums have positive effects on breathing, whereas warm colour relieves the nerve systems.


1. Building is not allowed when it rains as damp straws can later get musty and it would not be that warm in the house any longer. This can be avoided by building a house roof in the first place or by arranging the house building in steps, by securing from the atmosphere effect with the use of films and awnings.
2. If the wood used for building is not proper, gaps appear in the construction.
3. Construction of a house built from  wood of the north region get settled up to 3 percent which means that the last decoration works should be left for a year.
4. Wood needs to be impregnated in order to avoid the wood decay, mould, fungus, insects and other pests.

Pasted wood houses


1. Pasted wood does not have a high surface quality (lops are cut in girders, other defects are being removed). Constructions of such homes are steady.
2. The strength of pasted glue is strong, 50-70 percent, higher than the one of an ordinary wood.
3. In such homes heat isolation is normally bigger due to smaller slots whilst pasting the wood.
4. These houses do not require additional inside or outside decoration as they have naturally great looks.
5. Pasted girder house wood is dried very well, thus it settled up to 10 times less than other wood solid houses.
6. These houses are built on sites very well, as all the timbers are completely prepared in the factory.
7. As these houses in factories are getting ready with the use of automatic stoves, hydraulic presses, its walls become completely smooth, do not get cracked and making no concerns of pests.
8. From pasted wood, it is possible to build houses of a more complex architecture - on the contrary to natural log wood.
9. Such houses are "breathing", thus no investments are needed for conditioning systems.


1. These houses also settle slightly, therefore, extra elements to compensate this process are needed.
2. These houses should be repainted every 8-12 years.
3. Whilst planning the home maintenance period, it should be monitored that it would not rain at that time.
4. There is a limited distance between intersupports, that‘s why  its harder to change the design of the house.

Panel houses


1. Panel houses require cheaper substructures than the bricked building as the house construction is easier.
2. The walls of panel houses are thinner, so it is possible to save on the living space area as well as money, whereas the house remains very warm (its gets warm faster that the bricked house).
3. The house can be built on site in 3-6 days. Before that, the house manufacturing in workshops takes 2-4 weeks.
4. All panel house elements, electricity and plumber spaces can be designed with a special computer programme that ensures a great and precise design in building areas.
5. Panel house in maintenance time does not get deformed (settled) due the fact that walls in workshops are manufactured in horizontal position and supressed with presses. The quality of factory production is even better.
6. Panel building does not depend on air conditions ; they are prepared in closed areas and the construction takes place from car transport - temporary spaces in building areas, wood avoids moisture and does not get deformed. The plot remains with no waste - this is a clean construction.
7. A wide range of materials can be used for facade and interior decoration.
8. Properly built panel homes with technical parameters are as great as bricked or blocked houses, whereas its building duration is shorter and the price is lower.


1. Limited distance between intersupports, it is harder to change the layout.
2. Statically complex architectural solutions are not recommended for panel houses.
3. It is almost impossible to change engineering communications in the house.
4. These houses are not long-term (duration about 50 years, later on they should be renovated).
5. Panel house should be protected from rodents. This is achieved during manufacturing by applying additional means.

Straw houses


1. Pressed straw holds the heat extremely well, thus, the house heating does not require big investments. Whilst building and equipping a straw house, it is possible to save 10-20 percent of resources which are needed whilst building a house in traditional methods.
2. It has been proved that houses from pressed straw sheafs are resistant to strong winds up to 215 km/h.
3. The walls are covered with 25-75 mm plaster or loam, much more resistant to fire that wooden walls.
4. Straw cakes are great in absorbing outside sounds, that's why additional sound isolation substances are not required.
5. Great micro climate and ecologically clean substance will positively effect the health of the house owner.
6. Environment is less polluted as straw is used up, not burnt.
7. Whilst choosing a straw house, you will have an equally ecologic house as a wooden one, however there will be not only less building costs but also the wood will be preserved which does not renew as quickly as straw.
8. Straw objects can be built in various shapes - even the round ones. They can be either of a modern or an ordinary shape.


1. Straw homes can not be built whilst raining, as damp straw can start moulding and the house will not be that warm any longer. This can be avoided by building the roof of the house in the first place or by organizing the house building in steps using films, awnings to secure from the atmosphere effect.

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