How to build an extra sewerage system
Updated: 2020-12-15
  • plumbing

In each house, regardless of whether you live in a block of flats, or an individual house, you need to solve the issue of run-off removal. Once you purchase a modern domestic device or reconstruct the home to a new place, you need to „remove" a kitchen, bathroom, loo and lay extra sewerage pipes. 

The easiest solution - plastic pipes

Whilst reconstructing a house, you want it to be not only more beautiful, but also convenient. Lots of families quite struggle to find an agreement on whether to leave a bath or replace it with a shower kit. Of couse, it is most ideal to have both. However, how to do this if the old bathroom does not have enough space for a washing machine? The sink in a kitchen is quite often not in the most convenient place for the owner.

Today there is a wide range of building materials. To build new domestic areas or expand the old ones is not that difficult. The largest problem is sewerage pipes. Neither in a block of flats, not in an old individual house, it is impossible to remove the sewerage stand. Yet, there is a solution. New sewerage production technologies allow to lay an extra sewerage pipeline and easily join it to an old sewerage inlet. Heavy and expensive cast iron is no longer used. Sewerage pipes are made of plastic, that's why it tend to be cheaper, lighter and easier to install. However, plastic has one disadvantage - it is "afraid" of some materials. That's why you should never pour acetone or other materials that contain acetone as well as acids, oil products, large quantities of grease in to the sewerage. For the former ones, special tanks with tanks of material catchers should be fitted. Its quite of a big problem if sewerage gets filled with ground or other infusible materials which could block the pipeline. Plastic pipes are "afraid" of high temperature. Though plastic burns only at 500 degree temperature when it burns (in a case of a fire), a very poisonous and fatal gas is spreaded.

According to a sewerage specialist, for the domestic run-offs from a faucet, washing machines or dish washers, it is enough to have plastic pipes of 32 mm in diameter, 50 mm one from the bathroom or a shower. It is not hard to fit these under the cupboards or join them to the main stand of sewerage. Now almost in all sewerage shops, it is possible to purchase a special siphon to fix the washing machine run-off bowel to a sewerage system. Fitted under the faucet, such siphon helps to avoid a non aesthetic view in the bathroom as dirty water does not pollute a bathroom or a faucet and does not emit bad smell. In order to help the water run off better and the silts not get gathered in a pipe, extra run-off pipes should be fitted in a way that there would be an inclination.

Before you fit a new sewerage system you should add a one more faucet, shower and domestic device. However, if extra pipelines are located below the sewerage lead-in (e.g. in a cellar, balcony area), it will be needed to install a tank to gather dirty water as well as a pump for the pumping of run-offs in to the main sewerage pipelines. Such sewerage system should be properly maintained and cleaned more often.

Loo in a new place - is that possible?

It is more complicated to move a loo to another place or fit an additional one in a bigger apartment. In this case there is not only a water run, therefore, the sewerage tool and engineering system should be with a thicker pipe diameter. Thicker pipes are harder to hide, what is more, they will definately not "decorate" your interior. It is important that the loo kit would not be placed too far from the main sewerage stand and the extra sewerage pipe will be approximately a meter in length. Whilst laying a pipeline, it is important to meet the requirements for the loo inclination run-offs.

In an apartment it is most reliable to fit a plastic pipeline 100 mm in diameter so that the run-offs would go rapidly. A loo kit should moved to another place or an extra loo kit should be fitted a bit higher than the fitte pipeline. Inclination for each extra sewerage pipe meter should be 2-3 cm. So the further you build a loo from sewerage, the more centimeters it will have to be raised from the floor.

When the apartment is small and located on the first or the last floor of a block of flats or individual house, its is possible to save the living area by using the area of a cellar or a loft. It is possible to fix an extra sewerage system also in a case if there is no sewerage lead in the area and the run offs need to be raised up to a stand which is above. Here is impossible to get away without a run off gathering tank. A tank as well as the pump should be of a good quality, reliable and serviceable. Such system should be fitted only by a sewerage specialist, it should be more often washed and maintained.

How to avoid a bad smell

Quite often a cozy home atmosphere is interrupted by unpleasant smells, coming from the sewerage system. If ventilation system works well, all sewerage devices (bathroom, sink, shower racks) hace siphons, the pipelines should be well looked after. The main reasons why a bad smell might happen are as follows:

- when sewerage has not been used for a while, that's why the water has evaporated from the bathroom and the loo siphons;

- at the same time, lots of run offs have run to a sewerage pipe and the air plug has been pumped from the siphon.

An unpleasant smell can spread also from the removed loo if there is no natural ventilation or a ventilation gap. Whilst fitting a loo in another place, you should solve the natural ventilation problems. Most often the new area does not have ventilation stand, that's why an extra ventilation pipe should be fitted.

If a non-pleasant smell goes from a sewerage which has not been used for a long time it is enough to remove it by pulling the water and spraying a smell neutrilising agent. However this will not remove a bad smell spreading from city sewerage system due to an air plug pulled from the loo kit or sink siphons. According to sewerage specialist, this problem often trouble the residents of block of flats when the neighbours above release a large amount of run-offs at the same time; falling via a sewerage stand pump the air plugs from the simphons. In such case there is a need to purchase an air valve. When the sewerage system has a relative atmosphere pressure, the air valve is closed. As soon as the vacuum opens, a valve automatically opens and allows air in to the system. It is open till the pressure in air and sewerage system gets even, then closes and opens again only when sewerage and air pressure differences appear. Such valves are fitted above each loo kit, bathroom or sink.

The air valve can be fitted on the pipes with a diameter of 32-110 mm. It can be fitted in those areas, where the air goes well, or simply in a loo area on the pipe, below the loo kit. However the air valve should be fitted not below 35 cm from the ceiling so that it would not get polluted when the run-offs overflow.

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