How to remove mould
Updated: 2022-01-17


Since ancient times, people have been very resourceful at trying to reduce mould problems. Until recently, it was believed that such measures as lighting a room with extra-powerful lamps or treating moulds with urine and glue can help to prevent mould growth. However, all these measures have proven themselves too drastic, as they make the house highly uncomfortable to live in. Humanity, nevertheless, has still been in search for new ways to fight moulds.
How to remove mould

Mould-killing chemicals
Some chemical substances appear to be quite effective at killing mould. In a basement, moulds can be exterminated by burning some pieces of sulphur (200 g for a volume of 100m3). Once the matter is fired, leave the room immediately, closing the door behind you. In 6-9 hours, ventilate the area, then place a container with some quicklime (the material which is especially good at absorbing harmful matters) in the room.
Books can be treated against moulds by applying a diluted formalin solution. Impregnate a cotton tampon with the solution and remove the moulds from the book surface. Make sure you don’t press the applicator too hard to the surface that you are cleaning. Repeat this procedure several times to achieve better results.
Make sure moulds are not growing in your bred-baskets. If so, it is recommended to occasionally wash bred-baskets with diluted vinegar solution.

Mould prevention
1. Do not arrange big furniture items too close to the wall: narrow passages between the furniture and the wall will complicate air circulation and provide ideal medium for mould growth.
2. Take care of your windows. Cavities, through which rainwater may infiltrate inside the window frame, causing mould, should be sealed thoroughly. Use synthetic sealants for this purpose - they retain their elastic properties for a long time without cracking.
3. Check to see that your downspouts and gutters are not clogged. Otherwise, in case of a frost, the water accumulating inside will expand and ruin the downspout. If this happens, in spring you will have rainwater leaking on the outside walls of your house, promoting mould growth.
4. Provide adequate ventilation of the living area. It is better to ventilate your house continuously, every day half-opening a window, rather than just occasionally opening wide all your windows, providing bursts of cooled air in your room. The instantly cooled air will cause water vapour condensation, fostering mould growth. Ventilation can also be ensured through air conditioning. However, make sure your air-conditioner has a special anti-fungi filter, inhibiting the spread of mould pores. Otherwise, air conditioning will only multiply the amount of spores in the air.
5. As moulds thrive in high humid conditions, do not dry washings in the room. It is also recommended to keep the number of indoor plants to a minimum (dried flowers are also favoured by moulds). Also, check for all leaky taps.

Mould prevention during building and repairs
Mould growing in your home might be due to the flaws that have occured during the building construction or repair.
For example, when installing downspouts, it is necessary that a distance of 3 cm is left between then wall and the downspouts facing the wall with their joints. Balcony floor should be given a slight slope to dispose of unwanted rainwater. Needless to say that only dry materials should be used for construction.
Mould-preventive measures must be taken as early as the foundation is laid. If adequate waterproofing is not provided, water will reach the upper floors.
Using paint and chemicals to prevent mould
Today’s stores offer a wide range of coatings to control mould. However, the one you choose should match the area where it will be applied. What is good for outdoor surfaces may not be good for using inside the house. Remember that antiseptic coatings are hazardous; therefore special precautions should be taken when applying them. Before painting the walls, treat them with diluted vinegar or chlorinated water. Make sure you start painting only when the walls are completely dry.
Another important thing to consider how much paint you will need. If the paint is of high quality, applying only one layer might be enough. However, with cheap coatings, you may need to make several applications, which will eventually cost you even more.

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